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The Woodville Republican
Woodville, Mississippi
July 28, 2016     The Woodville Republican
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July 28, 2016
Newspaper Archive of The Woodville Republican produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'2/:; 9 !:il i TS OLDEST NEWSPAPER- Established 1824 P Volume 192 USPS 462-260 50¢ per copy Woodville, Mississippi 39669 Thursday, July 28, 2016 Number 13 Benefit Ride For Fallen Baton Rouge Officers RIDE FROM LOUISIANA TO CROSBY -- A Baton Rouge busi- nessmen, Tommy Firmin, and a number of his friends who have a love for motorcycle riding, held a benefit dde from Den- ham Springs, La., to the Hwy. 33 Roadhouse near Crosby to enjoy refreshments and to attend a law enforcement gathering. The event was held on Saturday, July 23, and raised a total of $6,600, $3,300 from donations and an- other $3,300 match from Firmin. The benefit was to honor the two Baton Rouge police officers and the one East Baton Rouge Par- ish Sheriff's Deputy who were gunned down on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge on Sunday morn- ing, July 17. Firmin and a number of his motorcycle enthusiasts, made the ride to show their support for members of law enforcement all across this country. Firmin stated he and his friends plan to make this ride an annual event. The upper photo is a group shot of a number of the participants, and the lower photo shows local law enforcement officers at the event, from left to right: Rodney Murray, Willie Thompson, Lemuel Rutledge, Kardell Adams and Danny Meaux. -- Submitted Photos Doctor Indicted In State Prison Case Provided Health Care To WCCF Inmates Dr. Carl Reddix of Jackson, who was charged last week with paying bribes and kick- backs to former state Correc- tions Commissioner Chris Epps in exchange for receiving contracts involving Mississip- pi Department of Corrections and its operations, has tics to the private prison in Wi]kin- sen County Reddix, 57, faces a seven- count indictment returned by a federal grand jury for con- spiracy to commit honcst ser- vices wire fraud and six counts of bribery. According to the indictment, starting in 2012 and continu- ing until October 2014, Red- dix gave then-Commissioner Epps bribes and kickbacks in exchange for the awarding and retention of MDOC con- tracts for his company, Health Assurance LLC, to provide inmate health care services to four facilities -- one of which was the Wilkinson County Correctional Facility on U.S. Hwy. 61 north of Woodville. These contracts were val- ued at over $29 million. The indictment also alleges that Reddix made cash pay- ments to Epps ranging from $8,000 to $9,500 per month from May through October, 2014. At r the hearing Reddi s attorney said that her client was not guilty of bribery or any kickback. The attorney said Reddix was a victim of Epps, "It was a shakedown by former Cor- rectional ~'oner Epps." If convicted Reddix faces a maximum of 20 years in pris- on and a $250,000 fine for the conspiracy count, and a maxi- mum of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each of the bribery counts. Former Corrections Com- missioner Epps is accused of running one of the largcst and longest criminal conspiracics in state government history, taking at least $1.4 million in bribes and kickbacks over eight years to steer more than $800 million worth of state prison contracts. Epps was indicted in No- vember, 2014, on 49 federal charges including bribery,, money laundering, conspiracy and tax evasion. • ,vers" Upcom,ng" Scenic Rivers is a region- call Scenic Rivers office @ Courthouse Square. To reg- al alliance to promote natu- ral resources, recreational activities and events. Listed are some events going on in the Scenic Rivers Region. MS Wildlife Extravaganza August 5-7, at Trade Mart on the Fairgrounds in Jackson. Scenic Rivers and McComb Lions Club will be at Booth 118 2nd Annual Scenic Rivers Banquet Featuring Slade Priest and Trained Assassins Crew, Friday, August 19, 6 p.m., SMCC Horace C. Holmes Student Union Building. Win a free filmed hunt with Trained Assas- sins. For ticket information 601-684-7661. Scenic Rivers/NIcComb Lions Club Archery Fun Shoot August 20, at Ethel Vance Park in Liberty. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., shoot be- gins at 9 a.m. Adults $20 and children $10. Register at www. Raffle available for great prizes to help Lions Club Eycsight Pro- gram and Scenic Rivers Youth Hunts. Call 601-684-7661 for raffle tickets. Wilk. Co. Farmer's Market-Woodville/Wilk. County Main Street Association Every Friday through August 26 from 3 p.m.-7 p.m., downtown Woodville, ister as a grower or seller contact 601-888-3998 or wilkinsonfarmersmarket@ 2016 Woodville Deer & Wildlife Festival October 8, from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Admission: $7 per person; children under 5 enter free; no extra charge for children's village. If in- terested in being a vendor, sponsor, or participating in this year's Wild Game Cook Off, please visit www. for more information. Please visit our website for more information on events and activities in the Scenic Rivers Region. Tq Iliver uperv,sors" hat Value Up $1,000,000 The Wilkinson County house, does not end until September ' Board of Supervisors met on * Asked that the board 30, 2016. This is not good. We Monday, July 25, at which pass an order to approve the must discuss this at our Au- time they handled a number application for grant money gust i meeting. of routine items, from the Mississippi Depart- • Announced that each su- Chancery Clerk Thomas C. ment of Archives and History pervisor was presented with Tolliver, Jr., reported that the for renovation projects on the a new report which gives assessed value of all county following: them more detailed informa- real and personal properties (1) Old Wood~_lle Grade tion on the status of depart- and roads and utilities is School. ment budgets in the county completed. (2) Renovation and/or new including their own. '~I~e "The overall picture isroofing on the central dome new report states your cur- that the total assessed value on the Wilkinson County rent yeaFs budgeted amount, of all properties in the coun- Courthouse. how much you have spent ty is up about $1,000,000," • Announced that he had so far and how much is left said Tolliver.'~31is will mean requested an official opinion in each department's bud- that a tax mill in this county from the Mississippi Attor- get and who is already over will be about $59,000 for the ney General's Office concern- budget," Lewis commented coming year, or up from last ing the assessed values of on the new financialinforma- year's millage amount of hunting leases on Wilkinson tion report which will be pre- $58,000." County School Sections in sented on a monthly basis. Wilkinson County Admin-Wilkinson County. The point * Discussed the need to istrator Bruce Lewis pre- of contention is the fact that change to an electronic check sented the board members state law states that taxes writing system as an up- with payroll reports for their cannot be increased moregrade to the current system employees, than 10% per year on un-being used by the county. '%Ve need you to let uscultivated timber lands in Lewis explained that he had know if any of your employ- Mississippi. Assessments on prepared a board order for ees have any overtime pay a number of hunting leases their consideration which due them, have taken vaca- in Wilkinson County wentwill authorize the change tion days or took sick days," up several thousand percent which will allow the county said Lewis. 'We have to keep in most cases. "I sent the to electronically generate up with all of this in each and request for an opinion two checks with signatures from every employee's payroll re- weeks ago, and I have not their current Delta computer cords." heard from the AG's office as system. The order will also Clerk Tolliver reportedof today," Lewis reported, allow the bookkeeper to is- that he was in the process • Informed the board of a sue payroll checks and the of requesting an extension regulation that allows super- accounts payable clerk to to complete a FEMA/MEMAvisors to purchase items val- write payroll and other ac- project on the Jackson Point ued less than $1,000 without counts due checks. '%Ve need Read. obtaining a purchase order, this in place when the Chan- '%Ve have only a certain The old amount was $500. At cery Clerk is out of pocket time left to get the work the request of Administrator and not available to sign project on the Jackson Point Lewis the beard voted on a checks in case of an emer- Read completed," said Clerk motion by Supervisor Jenn gency. The board order will Tolliver. Wee have requested Nettles and a second by Su- authorize the chancery clerk, an extension until Novem- pervisor Richard Hollins, to comptroller, accounts pay- ber 30, 2016, to get the work authorize the supervisors able clerk, administrator and done." and county administratorany member of the board to Administrator Lewis pre- to be allowed to make pur- access county bank account sented the supervisors with chases less than $1,000 and information. This board or- a number of issues as follows: without a purchase order, der does not change any du- •Announeed he had met The vote was 4-0. Supervisor ties of the chancery clerk. with local, le~owner and. at~.Wil Seal was absent from the His name will be place4 on torney David N. Wilkerson, meeting due to a family ill- all checks m4d all checks will who complained that the as- ness and did not vote. first be approved by a vote of sessed value of uncultivated • Informed the beard that the Wilkinson County Board timberlands he owns went the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget of Supervisors. Supervisor up more than the 10 percent was due for presentation at McNabb made a motion to maximum as set forth by the first board meeting in approve the board order. state tax code. Mr. Wilkerson August which will be held Before a second was made, has announced plans to file a on August 1. '~he countySupervisor Nettles said, '~e written objection for the as- comptroller (bookkeeper) has need to leave it as is for now. sessed values set by Wilkin- sent out a request for budget The administrator and chan- son County. Lewis said he requests from all county de- cery clerk need to get togeth- contacted the State Tax Corn- partment heads. AS of today, er and work things out. We mission about this problem only two have responded don't need all of these people of the increase of over 10% -- the Library Commission footing with our checking ac- sent in instruction to state and Extension Service. We count. That's how mistakes tax assessors, and the State are waiting on the others to are made. McNabb's motion Tax Commission represen- respond." to approve the recommended tative's response was, '%Ve • In speaking on the bud- order of the administrator didn't realize we had done get Administrator Lewis died for lack of a second to that. We were wrong. We will pointed out that some de- the motion. be sending out a letter to the partments are over budget Clerk Tolliver had a lot to tax assessors in all 82 coun- for Hscal Year 2016. "This say about the prior discus- ties to change the increase means that they have spent sion by the beard. from current rate of 10.5% more than they budgeted for to a rate slightly less than the current fiscal year which (Continued on Page 2) 10%. The state sent incorrect information to all 82 counties ining to correct this issue,the state, and they areLew_gO- LOC~I,[i~'~ is stated, by Woodville Republican Publisher county• Ann°uncedis advertisingthatin Thethe Andy J. Lewis Woodville Republican for sealed bids on an 100-acre We received a call latephone caller stated that tract of land owned by the last week from Woodville they wanted to help her county, subscriber Kitty Whet- update her computer pro- • Announced that the stone who reported she gram. contractor started setting received a questionable"I don't even own a corn- up equipment today (Mon- call last week and wanted puter," said Mrs. Whet- day, July 25) to begin work to ask that we warn other stone. "I just want to let on replacing the roof on the area readers and resident, people to be careful when Wilkinson County Court-Mrs. Whetstone said thethey get calls like I did." Dr. Delton Moore Appointed To State Dental Board Of Examiners Dr. T. Delton :Moore of Woodville has been appoint- ed to the Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners. Dr. Moore was appointed to the Board by Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant for a six year term that began on July 1, 2016. The Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners is a legislatively-mandated state regulatory agency charged with the responsi- bilities of examining, licens- ing, registering, and regulat ing the practices of dentistry and dental hygiene to en- sure competency and ethics among all dental profession- als in the State of Missis- sippi for the ultimate goal of safeguarding and enhancing the health and welfare of the citizens of this State. Dr. Moore is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of Tennessee School of Dentistry. He is past President of the Missis- sippi Dental Association and past member of the Member- ship Council of the American Dental Association. He is a Fellow of the American Col- lege of Dentists and a Fellow of the International College of Dentists. Dr. Moore practices gen- eral dentistry in Woodville, and he is married to Teresa Johnson Moore. PROMOTE BLOOD DONATIONS -- Farm Bureau members and regular blood donors Andy Partridge and Pare Johnson prepare to "Beef Up the Blood Supply" at the Wilkinson" County Cattlemen's Association an- nual blood drive by eating more beef. -- Submitted Photo