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Flivver Pump for Rm-dl Fire F'tghting
Thtb trta/ale nag. v,-+ tr I,amp+ Luotttttetl awl a mvv4ur bumper ttuu v&? m ;atr ilreL
II for general use In rural enmmunRtm.
Recall Pioneer
Blazed by Solomon
Jones Serve Modem
Motor Jromists.
Hedermmvllle, N. "C.--Whtm a
of children returning from s
In thLs picturesque mountain
late one night recently, told a
of eetng a towering man. wlth
flowing hair. beating throuuh the
in the rlelnlty of Mount Hebron.
a great rsgor-backed sow
tam he held in his left hand.
hia right hand he swung sn
from alde to aide, parent- were
Lluly alarmed+
ImrOnts of one of the chlI-
mltlli of the Hendermvllle
th Blue Rldg country, "the
wlth the ax = recalled the ,flry
Solomon aone. Interrogation of
ru youthful eelebrstor re+
that the story of the mountain
and the sow had been one of
related at the party durine the
mbd that the "aplriUrm* was
of Juvenile lassie-
there are few pec@le anlwr-
eough to believe that S.lo-
$orm ehost haunts Mount Heb-
evtq.y Id-tlmer In the e'tlon qll
Ilgree that the spirit of the rulrd
who lived to near the
ltrk Is everywhere mani-
la the great medern hard-arfaeed
rsdiat;ng through the moun.
every dlreetlon. For Solomon
Dou*us the dlStlnetlon of be-
the first American cenic road
who pursuit was r<,:-
*tradition llds that his razor-
aow. Sue. was hls chief engt-
Hia Winding Roacht.
TO who tlte to romance of the
4omo Jones Is referred to as
blazer." HI trails of yes-
are a state's great hlghway
of hid
pa in the pounding of
4-mkE maelery.
ow. Sue. by the tll
over the muntaln
a trail am he wt. will alwy
It as the mot POl,ular drive taken
by residents of Hendersonville and
viaitors In the days of hog,e-drawn
vehicle,& Automobll even today
make the ummlt over this road but
most of the motorist& excepting those
aspiring toward hazard prefer to
stay on the wl¢ler hard-nrfaeed hi.h-
ways, the otth of .golomon+s
Idea. Amon the many other roads
btlilt by .%omon Jon was Jon'
Gap. named for him. which tea to
Caesar's Head In the ('amOrous+ Thls
was eonstrleted long before the Civil
war end for more than sirty years wa
used by Jones and" hls heirs u a toll
Fattmr of Twelve Children.
The road-maker wan well te the
"grand old mau of the mountains."
He wa& indeed, a patriarch. Standin
mix fPet two Inches tall and welfrhing
2t pounds and glft with keen In.
tel,ect, he was a man who command-
ed the repect of all who knew hlra.
The father of twelve children+ ten +ns
and two daught he credited
with adopting and brinkng up even
other orphan children left to hh; care.
He was ninety+ven yearn of age
when death claimed him.
Solomon Jones. becau of his large
family, which he wisied to see well
edneat+L tured naturally to ch(gls.
He was one o( the pioneers l eduea-
tlonal work. stumping western North
Carolina in an effort to get the p
tat public aeh system abll/ed
lie thl early gnl,d the fact that
If the mountain farmer was to Im-
prove hL condition, tt would be
through the e-mbinatIoa of god
IC|t(*O|S Ih¢) ro;i+L.
"Inventors'" Still Try
for Perpetual Motion
Waahlneton.Even knowledge of
the realistic lawn of mathematics does
not make tnvm'tor Immune to the r
mantle lure of one of the olde falli-
cleni cherished by human blnt.
Belief that Inanimate matter can
I. so pattern(! that It will. atr
earring an initial human Impulse, pro-
duce perpml motinn ia shown by
patent-otce records to remain the
cardinal faith of aa atoniahing num-
ber of dreamer&
Read This, Then Bring
on Your Fish Stories
Beriin.--When the night ex-
press from Frankfort steamed
into Hamburg the other morn-
Ing olals discovered a scantl.
ly clad girl a=lp on tlte roof of
a rriuge. AImard the train
great excitement prevailed over
the disappearance of a younf
girl ,'tm was left aleeping in the
car by her parents. A reh of
the train failed lo reveal a trat
of her whereabout& Walking In
ht sleep, the girl lad made the
perilous ascent to the top of tht
racing train, whre she was
found st,+ping am}d lelel and
cinders ,heu the train arrlved
at liamhurg.
========================= •
Porcupine and Magpie
Ruin Wyoming Crops
Cheyenne. %Vyo.--The por(plno
and the magpie have been playing
havoc tn Wyoming.
The winter food ot POrcupines /Jr
largely the bark and cambium layers
of tree The tr often are girdled
and Albert M+ Day, stat Ider of
rodent control, stya d trees are
evidence of the damage In all the for.
On a ranch in Campbell county
the portapines hate damaged the tlrrt.
bet and killed m-arly all of the native
wihl fnltL++*L Poisou is placed In their
The magpie not (rely robs the m)t
of otler birds and kills young chick.
ens and turkeys, but pt+ka hol Iu
the hides of cattle and sheep. Ap-
proximately I.Y0 |rounds of poisoned
ground bt-ef has been used this y
in getting rid of the bird.
Canada Hu Air Fleet
to Fight Forest Fires
Toronto. ()nt+---itad:o airi,)an end
wireless telephones cut the toll of for-
eat fires in (mtarlo to a minimum in
19"26. according to a bulletin Issued by
the delmrtment of lands and fortt
Ontario maintaln a fleet of 16 hy-
droplant which patrol the tlmbe
m dally, says th@ bulletin. L<d
out towers eqllRk-,d with radio trans.
mlttlng apparatus and wirelm tl.
phones are located at trat+e polntt
When a blaze Is reported+ airplanes
carry forest rangers and flre-flghUng
eq,Jll:nent to the e of the fire.
Eart Form of Mammal,
Honor Student at State Uni. Vast Herds of Animals
versify, Called "Miss Mod. )
aty," Plans Robbery I
Austin. Texa.--Rebecca Bradley,
twenty-two year= of age, brown-eyed,
bobbedQmlr brunette of llO pounds, la
a(-s, ed of robbing the F'armera' Na-
t|gaul bank of Buda, lfi mllml from
lll Bradley la a eolle, graduate+
Roamed the Plains.
Tahoks. Tzaa---Frank M+ Sherrod
of Tahoka Is one of the few m still
livin who hnnted huffal for their
meat in the TaTs. Hla tint trip to the
plains refflon of northwtern Tetra
on a buffalo hunting xpodltlon w
before the wholale slaughter of the
animals for their hides began+ Aa a
ns of prr¢lnf Mr. Sherrod'
an honor student, candidate for
master's degree, and a model daugh-
ir. She served a teu a a atenogca.
ph In the office of the attorney gen-
eral of Texas. in her high hoel
da at Fort Worth she was kown
Ins "Mies M,lety+"
She Us modt In dress and be-
havior and shuns the pleaure at-
tributed to the flni,er, but she refell
to the two men who let her shove
them Into the bank vault with a platol
u "tlwnu pa.-
Planmld "Mveatutt" CltPully.
f;r+ planned her "great adventure"
carefully, king to prove a woman
could be a better holdup than s man.
She faee trial on a capital offenae,
UI her aureties ou hall am Mayor P.
W. McFadden of Atmtiu and .
Charles Ramsdeli. fesaor of hll
tOry In the Unlveraity of Texas.
Mi Bradley's first effort in her
tploit was to direct atlsplei ells-
where. Ste had her own small auto-
mlle, and early of moring sP,
droe to Round Rck. 20 miles north
of Atmtln. There. Deuce offteiala ay.
she sought to etablbh an alibi by
"reglatering" herself on the lalmbb
Then she apparently drove ewtftty
Imek through Air.tin and to Buda. 16
miles south. 8he had been there se.
It'ar¢41<l Them Iot.o the Vault.
I1"11 days before. ng u ao Am+a
m writer. On this pretext
pined admittanca to the cage.
maylmg e wa..meed t turn m tylemrtt
She waited until all enstome I
thn yank out a pistol and forced
F. A. Jamton. cashier, and Raymoud
Howe. kktlr. Into the vault.
8he expr the hope they would
not suffer for air.
lng up all the money In light,
she reentered her automobile, drove
bark to Atln and left her ear at a
wahinE tatloa. But the haflktql
had tald from the vault In Ume to
ke the Ilcmu number+
Malls Loot to Hartff.
After diing of the auto+ the glrl
went to the AUXIn olflee It
mta rtrt! Imcke addrd
t-heraelf+ This packa was Inter-
m remlnics of fdoatr ya. a. .
|Isley. field reprPm, ntatlve of the
Panhandle-Plains Historical fO,eloty.
visited Shm-rod a few days ago and
ohtatned from him an account of his
buffalo hunting eXTrience One of
the lntereing atatement made hy
Mr. 8herrnd waa that in 197 buffaloes
were killed In Itr+t number for their
ton condered a great delicacy.
HIs Flr Buffala Hunt.
wan Just a boy and was out hPr
on the buffalo range In 1874 snd
1875," he aid. "I wad seven yeulw
old when I came out the first time.
We came out from Brown connty,
shout 21)0 miltl tO the tt. and there
were only five of us. We hunted for
meat. That year you could 290
and 300 coyott in a bunch, but the
second year these snlmals were
thinned out. There were many men
buffalo hunting, who killed the
coyotes for their akin.
e really cme a lot fPthlr out
than nry to kill the buffaloes
bnt we had Iota of fun. There were
tens of thousands of buffslow every-
where. Whml we got tired of one
plaee we would move to another. We
ma hou of pol41, covered with
buffalo hld lined and flooced with
tile m. The 'md winter we me
out here there were thirty-two of ma
from Brown oounty, and killed
buffalo that wtnt myself. I dlda't
do nythlng but hunt.
"*The first winter we Ioad! our
¢agona with meal We took year-
lin and two year old= and dried thcdr
hams whte. We broueht a wash
kettle along with us and rendered art
thirty*two kttles of full ma sud
tallow+ This got hard that you
could throw tt around llk a chunk
of wood. We would take an ax. break
the bones and th serape the tatar-
row out. "Foe marrow and tallow
were nmd for cooking, making sop
and the like.
"We killed 4oueh buffaloe to fur-
hUsh the Tumpl6 of Brown county wtt
meat ell the next year. Twelve months
afterwards the meat would he aa hard
aa • tove tm the ontde, but good
and fresh wh cut Into. We didn't
mlt our meat. The majority of th
meat we cut In big chunka, as larze
aa a ten pou bucket, and driP+
me of It we carried tack+In the
whole hama.
( "In killing the buffalotf we u
nle guns and It eot us five cents
a shot. Wt, met two fell¢va up on
the head of the f,olorsdo river the
d year who had hn out two
agatha and hadn't killed a buffalo+
"I had th 'eltir, ens' Hfi and
trIded u ome tobacco to kill some
lmffalo for them, We went out and
killed about fifteen for them.
No Troubla With Indlamt.
"There were lots of Indians tb
first year+ We left our camp many
times n*1 wnnld look back and
the Indlan sltllnz (m the to of r
wazona snd movlne aronnd our (mrup.
They nevr would ),other anvthlnlf ex-
," sore+thing to ent or our mul(
We had to gaard the turtles ev
nlghL Many a night we have f:one
off' Into a thicket without mule, and
t the Indiana would eon In camp
and pa s|l drnund us+ ere wew
more Indlarm over in sb eonnty
than around Tnhoka lake.. We nev
did have n fleht wl?h them. aa they
a of stmte before moun-
noted srveyors and
agtmra who have vlalted Ran-
eoty have marveled at the
aid 8olomon's rd follovd
grad and fund the nat-
Plm through the mountains.
t for their continuo
Im almost like a
IIII!1 y In tlllr regularity.
Altbel-,h Solomon J(me M
u far baek as the days shorlly
the Wai" of 1812 while he
1111 In h teens, It atut
yeare ago that he completed tfs
Thht is the road to
attmmit of Mount Hehro--
tl t041 of the old mountaineer.
Many have been men of lder-
able ertiltlon, and ome have to their
credit tnventi of sound worth.
Most of tlem have erlen the
ela0on of apparent success until their
little machlnt were stopped b7 the
laws of nature+
A sketch7 record of broken hop
extends far back Into the fils of the
patent oq+. The only etimate of
the number of applicants to patent
perpetual motion dtvtees t+l
Sln( the Offic waa ab{Ishd IS a
vague "thound" None of the de-
vices hag been found patentable ftr
examination by expert& None have
been found to have an economical
vai to indtry.
Finds Relatives
The lled "archaic mammaus" eepted before It could be delivered
were the erllest forms of th mum. to her and wu found to contain
ma|tan group to xlt. They ared automatic pistol and 8910.
In the early eocene period and wera The gill wu aed in AUII,
very primitive and generalize! In typ% toktt t BudL Ittfled hy the bank.
Tt first mammals soon dled +mr. m and returned to Jail hn,
giv{ng place to the modern mama{%
which are of an entirely differ
Kill. Own Child
FllnL Mleh.--{?rwl{ng *m Ihe drl
way. the elght-th+old dauh,
of Janu 1 of tl+)a eity was InstaUt-
iy killed when the latter hacked hLI
ear out of the garage, alriking tl
Per i year+ bur paae has rt
veai e haa twin the bride of Otl
llogera, a young attoeney of AUStiL
lmqt-t who rldPd R -
ly. while bo}h were lu eoll wW
fend hUs wife In eourL
Kills Farmer and Wife
and Kidnaps Dau£hfer
New Bffmmfleld. Pa.--A dewnted
farm l'and beat to death his employer
and wife whm trey q' hla
sands for ey. and then ktdald
thtr dnugt, ler.
of Man Killed in Fall
N.J.--Stat|on WaIL +whlch
Itled to lid in finding the rein-
of a re_a, lea that Its
over the all" had been mmeeem;-
C1NIrI Ag of flelphl
I the other night ex..
music and sougl was the
art he baaed ann
him . Oeor. a watehnn
the Armour eomlPany's plant at
N. J bad killed when
e4 a runw+v.
adell+hlan went to Car-
lhank I! chief of pol{e for
U and to dalm
Ay Womaa
lmatoL --M Floree &
In a t0"earlng for her
hlld of whom ar I+1
now helptng hh+!
law+ She kas been ad-
xly yr old. a formt protht+
n General Submlte rta4
to Arut Commi=Mon at
Gva.--The Ametm private sol-
dier 18 a prlne-from the tandltnl
of pay--a compared with the +
dlers of other rtes.
Statistics to dem,mtrate thi were
ted by General Nan +of th-
Unltd States arm to the ltague's
lZarmant eommlscm here+
General Noln+a eontenHou wa
that while • Is{verdi and sy?emattP
reduction of ml)trary bud all c-er
t Iorid wtd rly u! in
a reduction of arm{ and rmmet.
It m-wrthel-t eontnte rther n
nnfalr tts far lrl. owtn¢ to
the different ret of y. ,a,nd++rd -
of life. of t of wr m+
terlaL and o(her +qemts in the 4If
fert nr ri+
A the me stlk|l t.
- tart of Perry county, sad hUs wife.
Nolan eared that the lay of the low. F.lla+ Their alte! atlant. Paul
ranklnAmt-rlenn donfrhbo wo,l{d 8beefier. ly.d Mr Elster Kell. whW
pay approxlmate)y 5 F'rPnch "llhts"; had la vlaltlng r parents, draed
41 Italian diel an 11 Japa her Into +qhull'a Sutlle and art+
In t fame manner the + of i sway wlth her.
hstn,--l-yn that the A-
Icn soldier eats ,++uch bett" or a
I deal mor than any other--it
much htgher In America han else
For example, the eot-of fsednl
one Aean lder I ett fl
2.,5 I; ldler; 2+4 ltn!!an mi.
<)I+ !5 Jaa old{ers aud 1.4
igrltlL Tom ml-&
f'ersl N0tzn cited a other ltr
that r+nder armeme,t bndts • w+r
ha+|s of (+omrl,n for fixing redu+
ti,ms of armat, rt of wxehan
In the d[fferenl +ntrl cot of
trantln btr nf raw maDrlal
urd the fln|),d produ aud fl
haing of the mosey of II
otmtry bth at h and abe.
!melh,ng went wrong with the
ear+ When the man g<+! oat fo repair
the trouble Mrs. K*ll ,Irave away and
eolla me t|U later, tftt
Ildll with • heart trnck.
"Gets Her Men"
Fort Myvra F*la.--l'rim la the
¢nty Jil wtl{ 11 cafxful hereafter
M. %+ B Maynard. wife and ehlef
dtuy of toe sheriff. |tke the roll
n+rthwt WI{¢, ga her man--4r
+ Th prir bu,k her la
a +l and tt+a+ With s ale
del, UlY abe ctm them Into tha
rwampa of the Kvelade and eal
tared hem. An 18+tulle boat tlP
then ,n snto ride and w Is-
never did bther us. l,ot of tlme
we would ride aronnd • point and
Ieet s b, mcb of |nd:#na fade to far.
We would h opo and In a mlnnte
the Indtan hehln4 would turn hlq
heq+ and then all ould turn and
rld btek the way thvy had come+
• %Ve ntver bothered with the huf-
falo bld {n 14 expt to throw a
few on top of our meat wh we
rted hack. Tere wan a rlng at
Tshoka luke t no water In the
, pDt{na lakes Ihou.
e d wants, there wera btm-
s of mq ktllln for hldt.
'*We drove o% lms In 18"/'5 nnd
must have had about fift wagcns
that year+ Th was an outfit fro++
Fort Worth on the Colorado Hver
which wa killln£ JU for the tenant.
They said |he, were worth fifty ¢nta
in Fort Worth They wld kill the
bffal+ efit out the tung-an= and
leave the rest lg the. We were
-gone on the trip about six nmhs
and a half."
ondon Irate; Remearch
BI for Lost Dogs
Indon. England.--Unluckr do
have b I aatrhy In st{oh numhera
for 11 and sentlfle rrch
that thou+mnda of Lcmdm ownra
have aled to the authorities for
Th qesttun of dog-teinl¢ had
brought up in Ihe hm, of errv
m+a before. Rrett rf+n
y mten,la that r; work+
• ,. by payijg from 8 to 8 >+llllnD
for any kind of dog. ha .en Is-
petus to dog stealing bere and are r
• Fmslble for th ths of t num,
rm of th aniwml. The rlh
work.s y that they thnuthl the
whleb had beun eallg Iltang'
by ,he eatcbr {
"No Money, No + Trouble" m
Reetful South Seal.
lan Pranct. Calif.--Nine willing
Robinson Cru, who. though young,
are weary of lift turmoil of cities and
the babble of women, are here prelmr-
ing to colontze a new "Paradise Is-
land" In the Semtb Sen.
"No trouble and no women; no
money and nobody to ask you for
any," is tlelr motto.
7he Intended home of the aelf-ap-
polnt castaways la Santa Maria I
land. lovely t of land exuctly on the
4uator In thd Galapagos group.
The men are the crew of the Pa-
dorian auxl|lary schooner loreana, at
present ked here, who their
own ahlp, and, am members of "La
Colonla de Florenna." are owners of
the modern prot.otyp of Robln
Crusoe'= home on Juan Fernandez IS-
No ordinary lulls are they, but
phllhe every one. One is an
accontanto another an author. A for-
associate Iv the enterl)rt, who
later deserted, was s scholar and unl-
verslty graduate. All are from Nor-
Each an has hiu Imrtleular
for fleeing from the society of women.
Three of the Plorna are diver
Two are married and rated fPom
Ill-natured or unfaithful wives. The
other of the company admit they m
*'dlaappolnted nn."
Then there are 21 men, ranng in
ages down to eighteen yeart Thlrt
of them were leCt on ntu Maria l-
land bef the Plortna e to 8an
IPranclo a month afro.
pL Aulfast Chrustenn. forty+flv
and CapL Anto Stub, fifty-one, mr-
Inert, are the leaders and the eldest
of the colony.
They have, of t'eur, the lntentinu
of unionizing their land with addl-
tlonal people eventually lad reaping
fortunes In ttillng lt fertile o11+ They
al contemplate flahlng aud whaling
enterprl In the populomm pleal
watera of the vicinity.
The Iet was geled by the advet
lurers first, beeanse the Pngdan
governt, which own the 41 laland
of the (;alaparo granted them the
land. and sAcoud+ au ot ItS to-
mantle history and Ilatlon.
Roamed Michigan Wood
for Fifty Years.
Calumet, Mlch.--4Id Maggie
rlngton, forest wanderer, wad fouud
frozen to death, eight miles from her
dUapldated old cabin uear the o141
Cetral mine In Copper eounUW.
utthern M%chlgan, receutly.
She was seventy year8 old.
the last fifty years Maggie haa roame4
the forests, fearless of man or
at all tlmea of day or night, as
wlllll as the gray wolf d as i
an the deer.
Subsisting upon raw and nlt
fondu and wild berries, with clotbln4g
enough only to decently cover her---
Go stocking& mlttena and no hat.
wandered many mllen through thn
dense foresta from one camp to
other and often crouched in the Per*
net of a drtd cabin for the night,
away from the howling wolv an41
sheltered from the bitter north wlndJ
ten or fifteen mllel back to her awla
stovele shae or Io on nmny mllel
In another dlrttlon to dome It
cabla for a cupful of coffee.
Wild W0man'a Hom
Her old tumbled.down cabin at ell-
tral mine, with windows stuffed with
old papers or potato bag itt pile el
ee In the middle of the floor, w
the old runty ove had long Ifllaelt
fallen apart, the chalre !rid kl
table decayed where they stood, aml
In the corner of the bare room a pUe
of dirty rap which ,ved her u
eepl quarters for many yes-a,
8he Wall often aden by to U
ey drove along the northern ht
way, but she managed to get Into thl
fort before they reached her.
Maggie had one ride in an to
and that wan four years ago wh =he
had an Infected foot. 'It ride tOOk
her twenty-five miles to Calumet
She was Intelligent and had a
moo mhool education, and her mo
was noted among the did nelghbo
as a splendid housekee-, elea
R*tal Keen MImJ.
Me had degenerated 111 the umt-
ter of clothing and way of living only;
abe could tell of the wild ih4
knew so welL
Whatever tranaplred In the life e4[
thla arrange woman to change
from a lthy, aL, elt'ed
beautiful girl aa she was fifty
o nt the time her mother
a =dlent hermit of the
no one can may, 8he kept her
eouncll--a eonfidees wlth
and died with her -ret on her fr
over the little grave Ifty years
'¢l'r-ch Mouth" Attad
Thousand. at Tton
Trenton. N. J.--An.
"trench mouth," a gum
nicely 11 Vincent
through Trenton in
daye+ The malady, whlcb
able to the
from to
Nearby plaees also are
the 8klllman tllePtle village,
ltutlou. the malady has been
general that physldans were
to launch a fight agollmt It.
*+at kiting" Us the word
out by the health degartmet I
effort to combat Lhe malady+
-e aoaor aeelar try. dl
wad rare In the United 8tate befor
the +war. They say It was brat
back by the A l-tll
Prima Plum to Re,t
Sa. Juan Caplatrano,
ty-one years afe Prtldent
,ln sl the land of
atortng the |ands and bu/|dng of]
slon San Juan Cap.rand to
olin church for
tlonal .lmrpo+" the rtlln
"Jewel of the
to bt made to conform to
po for which the
Charile'a island, refmr of Pacific buc-
caneers, Only one {aland of the Gala-
pseo la now Inhabited` It Is 50 miles
from the Crna" home.
Find __, "Rme"
Diamond; Arrest Two
Paria.--The famous ro diamond.
known as the "Grand Conde," atolen
from the tower in the chateau of
the Duc d'Aumale in C'hanttlly early
In Octotr, has been reeove
The famou gem waa found tn a
valid, the mtot wrapped carefully tn
cotton. Two of the fitted thtev
In Kaulfer and Emile Souter, who
crossed s flooded moat and climbed
Into lh# gem tower on a ladder, were
aed and are reported to have
Two fne, who d a fortlme In
Iler Jela which al') were
were a Other aecomp|let are
mmL The thieves got only I0000
francs (alrat 11,200). They threw
mttlng some of wbleh were of great
valtte, Into the Sefne aud /told the
mnncs to unsling reputable Jew*
The mystery wall ared I)eca
Kaulfer talked too m,ch+ One of !
la from caution wad promptly re-
ported to the polle. He wa ahnb
owed for anvil weeks, and finally
connected with the robbery and at,-
Find Way to Grow
Hair on Bald Mice
Taunton. gngland.--Bald mle have
made to grow halr In experi-
mta designed to duseover a cure for
baldn among humalr
To grwv hair on mien In , set.
entlst explain, but the trick was to
make the m bald.
Dr. F+ A. E+ Crew. llnetrml )f the
anll brlng Institute of tba Fltn+
burgh university+ discovered th ml
may be made to shed their cmta by
extlng certain gland tJbtnees+
Pm<tor Crew also that by ex-
traetinf a htan from normal mice.
and ging It on the bald on. he
has been ahle to promote the growth
of the COal agalu eomplete|y or paP*
tlally+ according to th6 amt
Ray+ St+
Pun- ky padre,
to dle In 1911.
bued In th
Jaw of Mammoth Found
The exmen are bolng
tinued with a view of aertaluhg If
human baldn may not be due to
the rne glandular dcle, mey, and
therefore curable In a idmllar way.
T " ' , P "J t J i , , ,,@
Illiteracy lncreuing;
Paris Lays It to War
Parls+A little kn,n f of
the war dama ffered bY
ce la led in xmy Eg-
u whl ahow an Ineing
nnmber of I{{{terat afrg re+
crult. In 1, of t called
to d or Wrlte while lt.
f thenutelvee Illiterate
PlfllP for only a pall bf tg
are avallabte+ but they show an
+,.mentatt, n tn the condlt{on+
wh{ch {s arid to the dl.r
nlzatlm3the wnr+ in a¢ool|n rhlrfne [